An unscheduled holiday was held and
Jonas went to visit his friend Asher, and he saw that Asher was pretending a shooting with his hand pointing as a
gun, playing
with kids in the community. Jonas was shocked and tried to explain Asher that
this was not good, Jonas was remembering the horror of the war and he was
trying to explain this to Asher but he did not want to listen. Jonas realized
that in the community the feelings were
unreal, also things like the slender instrument his father brought home to use
it when Gabriel misbehave, or most important when Jonas saw his father ending
the twin life with a syringe. The
Giver talked about what had happened 10 years ago; about Rosemary the last receiver, before
Jonas, all her attributes and how special she was for The Giver and how suddenly
she stops being the receiver. Rosemary asked to be released since she felt the
sadness, poverty and depress feelings that The Giver gave her in the memories;
she couldn’t handle it. But she was really strong and she decided to release
herself by putting the syringe by her own. The Giver saw a hope in Jonas to
change all the bad things that were happening in the community, so they built a
were Jonas escape, in this way his memories will be burden by the community and
with The Giver’s help they can manage them. Everything was well planned for the
big day; they were going to do this on the December Ceremony.
The quote of
the book that really took my attention is the one when Jonas replied to The
Giver about the memories:

I feel that
this is very real. I think sharing memories builds relationships, also to share
a memory for example a bad one, like a loss, when you share that memory people surrounding you can help you
pass through that moment and also relieves your pain, or supports you. To
share a memory is to “relive” the moment making people feel what you felt in
that moment and making them experience on what you lived. I also think that if
you don’t share your memories is like living so lonely and have a very sad
life. Memories are what you are, and sharing them is sharing you’re the person
you are.
And also
the following quote took my attention because it is related to the feelings,
something really important in people’s lives:

Feelings are
basics in human beings. If we don’t have feelings, then everything would be the
same, like we would be living in neutral, there is no life, no happiness, no
joy no sadness, no excitement, no nothing, like robots, or like in the book,
black and white. Feelings give you life, make everything happens, for good or
for bad, feelings determine our lives. It is a reflection of how you are.

Isa, I like very much your ideas of what you think about the book. I really likes the quote you choose because it tell us that memories can explained our past and also can builed up our future.
ReplyDeleteAri, I am happy that you liked my ideas and my blog. I also think that memories are important since they can change our day. For example, with a happy memory you are able to smile and feel better; it changes the way you feel. Feelings, not only determines our life but also determines ourselves, it determines our past; it is a way of describing yourself.
DeleteI enjoyed your blog, it is really organised, colorful and full of visual media. I completely support your opinion on sharing your memories because maybe one person cant handle that much like the say "All for one, One for all"
ReplyDeletePatrick, I am glad you enjoyed my blog. You’re right, that is what family and friends are for! The idea is that they can always support you in god times or bad times, especially in this one’s because there you need more support and also they can give you hope or a different point of view so that you can handle or manage a problem or sadness.
DeleteI really like your blog and how you expres your ideas but the thing i most like is the quote The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.” (Lowry, 154) because that quote make connection with the purpose of the author.
ReplyDeleteThe author with all this book is telling us that things always have a good and bad side and the memories are things that can make the things bad or good that that make us as we are humans with our bad actions and with out them that is what make a real life a life where you have to learn about your mistakes
Andre, thank you for your comment and I am glad you liked my blog. I agree that there are positive and negative memories, but with both of them we need to ´extract´ the learning of it. For example in a ´bad´ memory, you have your family and friends to support you and together you are able to think of a solution or a way to face it. As well, I think the author is trying to motivate us to learn from others and our mistakes to become better people. For example in page 100, Jonas was watching the death of an elephant; this happens daily, hundreds of elephants die because people killed them for their tusks. This is a mistake that is happening now; we need to try to fix them.
DeleteIsa, I really liked your blog. And the part where you say that without feelings everything would be completly different. It is true, feelings are what makes us humans. After all, I think you did a very good job with your blog post.
ReplyDeleteDani, great that you agree with me! That is what difference us form the rest living forms.
DeleteIsa, I really enjoyed reading your blog because it made me realize in many things, as you said that sharing memories builds relationship and I strongly agree with you with that because when you share memories you not only get wisdom out of them you get people to know you better, to know your true identity. Memories are not only memories from things that had happen, memories are part of you and it doesn't matter how little they can be they will always mean something more to others and to you. With them you can also gain love and true relationships ass you said.
ReplyDeleteGaby, you are right, as you said ´memories mean something more to others than to you´ because we are unique with different fillings filled by different memories. What can alsoaffect in the way we act towards memories is the influence of our past and as well the influence of our friends and the people we are nearby.